Herschel Thompson is a successful entrepreneur with over ten years of dedicated marketing experience, working on both the agency and client side to deliver e-business solutions for start-ups and brand leaders, like IBM, Volvo, M&M/Mars, LaneiBryant and MasterCard.

He has held senior consulting positions in the marketing strategy practices of two of the Top 10 interactive agencies in the world, and has conceived and managed online programs with budgets ranging from $1,000 to $10,000,000.

Demonstrating a holistic command of the communication arts, Herschel has also crafted breakthrough creative that has driven millions of consumers to take action.

Herschel has led and served on several award-winning teams, was named a “Thought Leader of Email Marketing” and has been featured in The New York Times.

Herschel holds a B.A. in psychology from Vassar College.

“The basics can’t be faked, no matter how high-tech the delivery. I specialize in interactive, but I create marketing that works, no matter what medium.

To win and keep your customers’ business, you have to give them more than intrusive ad messages and mass email blasts. You have to be useful and relevant to their needs and lifecycle stage.”

–Herschel Thompson


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